Friday, July 9, 2010

The end of final examinations!!

Time flies, I have been finished my foundation within one year in Swinburne.
After the least final exam of foundation, I have one month for holidays before start my degree. Actually I was a bit confused about choosing the course in degree. Anyway i am choosing Bachelor of Commerce (Accounting). I hope that i am choosing the right course that towards the pathway of success in my future. God bless me:)

Yeah!! I have planned many interesting and exciting activities for my holidays. It’s time for me to play hard during holiday season. Hahaha…:)

My study table is super duper messy one.
This is how lazy am I^^
After the whole semester have been go thought, I just start to plan for Spring Clean up everything.


  1. wow... nice blog. A lot of nice pictures! Well, glad to hear that u have finished ur exam. No worry! U have choose the right course for ur future! I support u!

  2. So hardworking. Then sure get all HD! ! !

  3. thanks Priscilla, i think u r the first one who read my blog:) i really not sure which course i want. anyway still got chance to change the course for first year degree coz everyone study the same subjects for first year. well, u guys are coming back soon during my holidays season:) Yeah!! i can spent a lot time to play with Valen and Mabel.

  4. hi king, haha.. i think u r hardworking than me. u should be the one who get all HD. anyway, do u know when the results publish in the blackboard?

  5. I think is 20 or 21 July 2010
